So, I just realized that in the "old days" they use to use baking soda to brush their teeth with. Is it harmful? No. It's completely natural and actually more safe for your teeth than normal toothpaste. (As always, companies put all sorts of additives into our everyday products that dilute the products) I was thinking about this because I was looking at my own teeth, thinking that I should work on getting my teeth a little whiter (and cleaner), so I did a little research and found a basic recipe (if you even want to call it that). Use 3 parts baking soda and 1 part salt, mix. Put in a seal-able container. I wet the toothbrush and pressed the bristles into the powder mixter and started brushing. I did 2 complete brushings with this stuff. Try not to taste it, because it's completely nasty. BUT it worked SO WELL!!! My teeth were pearly white! I was SO exited! Although, I wouldn't do this for every brushing, just because of the nasty taste. :)
And just think of how much baking soda and salt cost...
Do the natural Teeth whiteners work? I am still confused. Teeth whitening process are not hard but there are some risks. . The main risk in these processes is that these teeth whitening processes make our teeth sensitive too.