Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent


  • 1 – 55 ounce box of Arm & Hammer® Super Washing Soda = $3.99 Many people seem to be finding this cheaper than me, I suppose I’ll have to shop around.
  • 1 – 76 ounce box of 20 Mule Team® Borax = $4.99 People seem to be finding this much cheaper than me too.
  • 1 – 48 ounce box of coarse Kosher Salt = $1.99 I cook with kosher salt as well.
  • 1 – 2 ounce container of food-grade Citric Acid = $1.15 You can find this online or at your local brewery or specialty beer store. If you cannot find this you can substitute 10-15 lemon Kool-aid envelopes per batch **the small unsweetened ones**, if you use any other flavor you could easily color the inside of your dishwasher (you need 10-15 envelopes to equal the 1-2oz of straight citric acid.) If you do not use some form of citric acid you will most likely have the cloudy residue left that most “green” cleaners leave.
  • 1 – gallon of White Vinegar = $1.79 Yet another excellent use for a nearly universal cleaning agent.


Prior to making our own, we were using Palmolive eco+ liquid detergent. Here is the breakdown in cost analysis:

  • borax | 76oz = 4.99 | 8oz=.53/batch
  • washing soda | 55oz = 3.99 | 8oz=.57/batch
  • citric acid | 2oz = 1.15/batch
  • kosher salt | 48oz = 1.99 | 2oz= .08/batch
  • total for 20 oz = $2.33/batch
  • white vinegar (as rinse agent) | 1gal = 1.79 | 4oz=.06/fill

(**note** you only need to use 1 rounded tablespoon of this homemade detergent per load. If you feel it necessary… you may use a heaping tablespoon, but I do not.)

  • Palmolive® eco+ gel 75 ounce detergent – $3.79 – 28 loads = $0.14 per load
  • Jabs Homemade powder 20 ounce detergent – $2.33 – 30 loads = $0.08 per load

Here are the cost savings for my homemade rinse agent that goes along with this recipe:

  • FINISH® JET-DRY® Rinse Agent 4.22 ounce solution – $3.99 – 1 fill = $3.99 per fill
  • White Vinegar as a Rinse Agent 1 gallon solution – $1.79 – 1 fill = $0.06 per fill

That is a huge savings of 6650% on an effective rinse agent! Sounds too good to be true… but it is indeed true!

Not only am I getting my rinse agent for just pennies & cutting my costs by more than half, (I do not count time spent as cost because it is fun, educational, & useful for both you & me) there are also many other benefits of homemade products which I chronicle in an article on


Each batch yields 20 ounces of resulting product which you should store in some type of container you were going to dispose of. I suggest something 1 gallon size or smaller so you can fit it under your kitchen sink; old coffee cans work great. Feel free to double the batch, or multiply it accordingly to create any amount you’d like.

1. Start with these 5 ingredients:

2. Into a 32 ounce container – add 1/2 cup of borax:

3. Add 1/2 cup of washing soda:

4. Add 1/4 cup of citric acid:

5. Add 1/4 cup of kosher salt:

6. Put the lid on & shake it up good:

7. As you know… my wife loves her some label maker:

8. Fill “Rinse Aid” compartment with white vinegar:

When you do a load use 1 tablespoon of detergent per load (you can use a heaping tablespoon if you feel the need, but I do not).

This detergent will clump together but it doesn’t matter… just scoop out your tablespoon & forget about the clumps! It clumps because of the citric acid.

There you have it folks!

Simple, easy, fast, & efficient homemade laundry detergent.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Homemade Bath Salts

Most recipes for bath salts are extremely simple. They typically contain a ratio of 3 parts Epsom salt, 2 parts sea salt, and one part baking soda. If you want to add some essential oils, or fragrance oils to make scented bath salts, you only need about 1/2 an ounce of either product.

So for the math challenged (um, that would include me also) you need 3 cups Epsom salt, 2 cups sea salt and 1 cup baking soda plus about 1/2 ounce of essential or fragrance oil.

Wow, really complicated, right? NOT! Remember, I did tell ya that this was super easy!

Ok, now for our shhhhhhhhh, super secret ingredient--Dendritic Salt. If you add 5% dendritic salt to your blend, you will prevent your essential oils from becoming oxidized from the magnesium in the salt. You definitely want to avoid having your essential oils oxidize, because this means they become rancid and stinky.

Dendritic salt is just regular old salt that has been exposed to a chemical to make it grow star-shaped crystals. All the better for hanging on to fragrance molecules, you know.

Dendritic salt also prevents your bath salt from clumping and caking together.

Ok, in this recipe, we have a total of 5 cups of Epsom and sea salt, so we would need to use about 1/4 cup of dendritic salt in this recipe. (Hmm, maybe this math stuff isn't as bad as I thought.)

Dendritic salt isn't terribly expensive, especially considering how little of it you really need to create homemade bath salts. You can buy 10lbs of the stuff for $15.00 at From Nature With Love.

Scented Homemade Bath Salts Suit Different Moods

How Adding Essential Oils to Your Homemade Bath Salts Can Help Lift You Up, or Calm You Down

Essential OIlsYou can make your homemade bath salts even more therapeutic by the type of essential oil you choose, as each have their own healing properties.

Here are a few examples of the different properties of essential oils:

Clary Sage Helps ease depression
Cedarwood Calms and balances energy
Grapefruit Lightens one's mood, and gives energy
Lavender Calms and relaxes
Peppermint Stimulates the mind and improves focus
Rose Fights fears and anger
Sandalwood Reduces tension and confusion

If someone you love is going through a tough time, why not make them a lovely gift of homemade bath salt with an essential oil appropriate to their current condition? Nothing would be more thoughful.

If essential oils are not readily available in your area, you can order them online. Complete Aromatherapy Oils & Supplies is a supplier of essential oils and many other herbal products.

*Caution* Some essential oils are not to be used in the bath as they can be very irritating to delicate skin (I'm sure you can figure out what I'm saying--right?) Don't use black pepper, clove, cinnamon or oregano oils in bath salts. If you are not sure, be sure to consult a guide for the appropriate use of essential oils.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Unusual Uses for Baby Oil

Baby oil is all grown up and ready to tackle plenty of jobs around the house. Meet your new multitasker.

baby oil uses Jb Reed, Bloomberg via Getty Images

Baby oil isn't just for babies. Yep, this household helper has uses that go beyond the nursery (and no, we're not encouraging you to use it when you sun bathe!). In fact, I use baby oil all over the house, from the laundry room to the bathroom. Here are some of my tricks.

Gooey Gummy Mess
Whether you've stepped in gum, dropped it, or your kids have made a major mess with it, grab some baby oil. All you have to do is saturate the gum with baby oil. Leave it on the surface for a minute or so and then wipe it away with a paper towel or comb it out. If you need to remove the oil, wipe with white vinegar to break up the oil!

Photo: Getty Images

Sticky Shredder Solver
If your paper shredder is sticking and isn't doing the job any more, don't but a new one, try this. Lay a couple of pieces of paper on a baking sheet and squirt it with a little baby oil. Let the oil soak into the paper and then shred. The oil will lubricate the shredder while it's shredding.

Bargain Baby Wipes
Cut a paper towel roll in half so you end up with two halves that look like toilet paper rolls. Put them in an airtight container, a coffee can or formula can is a great fit. Mix one and a half cups of water, and a tablespoon each of baby shampoo and baby oil. Pour it over the towels and let them soak. When they're good and wet, pull out the center core and pull your homemade wipes easily one by one out of the center.

Scummy Soap Build-Up Remover
You can keep nasty soap scum from building up on shower curtains and shower doors by coating them with a little baby oil. Be careful not to let any drip onto the floor, it's slippery! Now if you've already got soap scum, use some baby oil to break through that hardened scum. Just put some on a wash cloth and scrub the that scum away.

Dusting Helper

Apply a small amount of baby oil to a lint free dust cloth. , Working in a circular motion, apply oil to wood furniture. Once the oil has been worked into the wood, go over it again with a clean micro fiber cloth working with the grain of the wood for a beautiful, flawless finish.

zipper, baby oil usesPhoto: Getty Images

Zipper Helper
Stubborn zippers are no match for baby oil; use a cotton swab to lightly coat both sides of the zipper. Then work the zipper back and forth several times; it'll work like new!

Dish and Glass Unsticker
If you have a dish or glass stuck to a wood tabletop, don't try to pull it off or you'll damage the finish. Instead, squirt some baby oil around the base of the dish and let it sit for a few minutes. A gentle twist and the dish should pull off easily without damaging the tabletop.

Paint Problem Solver
If you get paint on your skin, rub a little baby oil into it with a washcloth to easily remove those splatters from your skin.

Bandage Saver
To remove a plastic bandage without pain and without leaving behind a sticky mess, use a cotton ball to cover the bandage with baby oil. Leave it for a minute and then easily remove the bandage. This tip is great especially if you have little ones who tend to scream when you pull that bandage off.

Bug Deterrent

Rub some baby oil on exposed skin before you go outside to keep bugs at bay.

So, have I convinced you – grab a bunch of baby oil. It is a perfect, inexpensive solution for so many household problems – give it a try for yourself!!|htmlws-main-w|dl5|sec1_lnk3|192756

Clean the Dishwasher with Kool-aid

When my dishwasher starts to leave my dishes and silverware with spots or lime deposits caused by hard water, I forgo my ordinary dish detergent and use inexpensive Kool-Aid instead. Yes, Kool-Aid, as in your kids' favorite drink mix (but only use the lemon kind).

Give it a try. First, make sure your dishwasher is completely empty. Then open a single packet of Kool-Aid and pour the contents into the dishwasher's soap compartment. Feel free to use the less expensive store brand if you choose.

Run the empty dishwasher through one full cycle. The citric acid in lemon-flavored Kool-Aid will clean out the appliance thoroughly. In fact, you'll notice a huge improvement as soon as you open it up. The next time you do dishes, you'll also notice less spots and a lot more sparkle!|htmlws-main-w|dl8|sec3_lnk3|193593

Common Household Products with Uncommon Uses

"Vicks Vapo Rub is a great remedy for treating toenail fungus. Simply apply a little on the cuticle of the infected toenail at least once or twice a day, every day for about six months. It takes a while but eventually the Vick's kills the fungus, the old toenail grows out and a new, healthy nail grows in it's place. I've used this remedy myself in the past, and it really does work!" Stacy

"For carpet stains, use shaving cream! Just apply the foam (not gel) to the area affected, and rub with a cloth or paper towel. The foam absorbs the stain. Two applications removed an entire bottle of red food coloring from my rug. (And THAT is a story for another day)." Pat

"It never fails, I always forget to buy laundry detergent when I'm at the store, so I began making it from bar soap. I grate half a bar of soap into boiling water, let cool and add cold water, borax and washing soda for a clean I can count on. " Karen

"Hard to believe but true: Worcestershire sauce makes a great (and cheap) compound for restoring dull, tarnished brass to its original shine. Just take a small amount of Worcestershire sauce, place it on a soft toothbrush, rub it wherever your brass needs a good polish, let sit for a few minutes, then rub off residue with a soft damp cloth. Do this a few times as needed and soon you're brass will look shiny and new once again! " J.

"We have heard that using a clarifying shampoo weekly will reduce buildup left behind by other shampoos. However, mixing a teaspoon of baking soda with your regular shampoo in the palm of your hand does the trick at a much cheaper price. The baking soda will remove the buildup and do not be surprised if you find your shower tiles has an extra sparkle as well. " Joyce

"Baking soda is an inexpensive baking product, but also a great way to whiten your teeth. Just mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a quarter cup of water. Use a Que-tip or cotton-ball to spread the baking soda and water concoction on your teeth. Use the whitening solution for a few weeks and you will see the results. Don't forget to rinse your mouth after applying the baking soda solution." Ariel

"Most people use olive oil in the kitchen, but it can be used in the bathroom and living room too. I put a little on a cotton ball, and then swipe it across stubborn makeup for a clean face. I also use it to moisturize my elbows and hands. And, if your wood tables crack or peel, an olive oil rubdown makes them look like new." Kayla

"Peanut butter is for more than PB&J sandwiches! Due to the high oil content in peanut butter, it does a great job at getting chewing gum out of hair! When choosing the peanut butter, get a creamy, regular peanut butter. Apply the peanut butter over the affected area, then let it sit for 30 minutes. Then, pull out the gum with a dry towel and rinse out the peanut butter. Caution: This works best when the gum is fresh." K.

"Castor oil is a super beauty oil and is useful for softening fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes and face. All you have to do is to wash your face and then rub in some of the oil. It will also help your eyelashes grow thicker without the risk of changing your eye color. " D.A

"Have an important engagement and can't find the back of your favorite earring? Grab a pencil and cut off a piece of the eraser. Stick the earring pole through the eraser and carry on as normal. Don't worry. No one cares how the back of your ear lobes look." Obelia

"Brass and gold items can be beautiful when shiny. However, time can make them dull and tarnished. Ketchup is all you need to quickly and easily bring the luster right back! The acid content works as a fast fix when rubbed into the surface. Simply use an old rag to rub the ketchup liberally over the entire surface, making sure to penetrate any grooves. Let sit for approximately 30 minutes, and wipe completely off. I have rinsed the item with water just to make sure the ketchup is completely gone (to avoid any smells) , but make sure to dry it completely or you will invite more tarnish. Instantly, your brass and gold will shine brightly for all to see!" Kathy

"White distilled vinegar is a housewife's best kept secret! It is one of the strongest natural astringents, so you can disinfect your bathrooms toilets, tubs, and also clean your kitchen counter top with it. Plus, it removes stains from upholstery, carpet, and clothes! You can also get rid of an abscess toothache, toe nail fungus, and strep throat with it. All for these things for just a couple dollars at your local grocery store." T.

"Use common everyday table salt to combat spills on carpeting, from wine to cola. Grab a box of salt and pour generously over the spill. Allow the salt to sit for at least 30 minutes and then vacuum the whole mess up. This keeps liquid from permanently soaking into fibers." Valarie

"Dryer sheets contain positively charged ingredients that are released by heat and movement. To loosen caked-on food from a pan, place a fresh sheet in the bottom of a dirty pan, fill with lukewarm water, and let soak in the sink overnight. The pan will be a breeze to clean in the morning." Charyn

"If you ever feel like you don't want to wash your hair or you don't have enough time, then try baby powder! It's true, sprinkle a little on the roots and rub it in and viola!! The powder actually absorbs the natural oils from your hair while giving you that "just washed" look. Not only does this take just seconds to do but it also leaves your hair smelling like a babies bottom! So next time you are rushed or just lazy and neglect the mane, reach for the baby powder and get on with your day!" Danielle

"To get rid of bugs in your yard or your home, pour a small amount of beer into a glass jar, such as a baby food jar, and make a hole in the lid. Place these around your house or your yard to catch your pests. The beer draws the bugs in, but they will not be able to escape the jar (change weekly). Make sure you keep out of the reach of children! You can also use beer as a rinse for your hair to make it soft and shiny!" Linda

"Barrettes, claw clips, banana clips, bobby pins and other hair clips can all be stored on a rubber band so they securely dangle from it, with the 'head' side in the inner part of the rubber band loop. It can then be hung over a nail or tack by a mirror, tossed into a travel bag or stored in a drawer or organizer for easy access and use." Daniella

"When you are in a hurry and accidentally cut yourself while shaving, ChapStick lets you avoid the telltale tissue paper blotter. Simply rub your tube of ChapStick over the cut to quickly stop the bleeding. Keep a tube in your desk drawer to soothe painful paper cuts as well as the intended purpose of softening dry lips." Sylvie

"Lemon peels are a great way to clean and freshen your garbage disposal. The next time your dinner recipe calls for a lemon, save the lemon peel. Slice the lemon peel into four pieces, and put the peels into your garbage disposal. Allow your disposal to run until it grinds up the entire lemon peel. This will freshen and clean your garbage disposal." Lisa

"Accidentally used a permanent marker on a white board and can't get it to come off? Use an erasable marker and color over the area where the permanent marker was used. The permanent mark will cling to the erasable ink. Erase as you normally would and it should easily wipe away." Calissa

"Have you ever gotten out of the shower and noticed your hair was still oily? Instead of purchasing a clarifying shampoo, rinse hair with apple cider vinegar once a week before shampooing. Once the oil buildup is gone, your shampoo can give you a better cleansing. Apple cider vinegar is my favorite low cost trick! " Renata

"Coat hair thickly that is suffering from dandruff during the dry winter months with plain yogurt and wrap in a towel. Leave on for minimum of 20 minutes then rinse out. Use a mild shampoo and no conditioner. The enzymes in the yogurt help ease dandruff itch and flakes." Dawne

"During high volume cooking seasons, everyone always needs extra room in their refrigerator. Using soup cans to support them, place cookie sheets on top and voila' an extra shelf. This is great for casseroles and other things that are not very tall. It sure beats stacking them right on top of each other. " Sharon|htmlws-main-w|dl7|sec1_lnk3|194807